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Personnel Commission Meeting Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Do I need to register or RSVP to attend a PC meeting?

No, any member of the public can attend a meeting without having to register or provide information as a condition of attendance.

Am I allowed to speak at the PC meeting?

Yes, the public has the legal right to provide discussion on any issue that falls under the subject matter jurisdiction of the Personnel Commission. However, issues unrelated to Personnel Commission functions may not be considered by the Personnel Commission.

Why can't the Personnel Commission act on items that are not on the agenda?

Although the Personnel Commission may listen to and inquire about items that are not on the agenda, no action may be taken on that item at the Personnel Commission meeting according to the Brown Act.

How do I address the Personnel Commission?

Arrive in advance of the start of the Personnel Commission meeting. Once the meeting begins, the Commission will ask for public comments regarding any items not on the agenda. If you wish to speak to an item on the agenda, make it known at this time. The Commission will then ask for your comments at the time the agenda item is being entertained later in the meeting.

How do I submit an item to be placed on the agenda?

Send the following information to the Director of Classified Human Resources:
A letter explaining the issue that you would like discussed, including the history of the issue and how it is related to the Personnel Commission.
Any information or materials that you want the Personnel Commission to review regarding the issue.

*Please note: items are placed on the agenda at the discretion of the Personnel Commission. Not every item which is submitted will be placed on an agenda. 

When is the deadline to submit something for the agenda to the Personnel Commission office?

At 5:00 p.m. on the Monday one week before the scheduled Personnel Commission Meeting.

What if I have material to submit at the Personnel Commission meeting?

Unfortunately, if the material was not sent to the Personnel Commission by the deadline date, it cannot be officially reviewed, discussed, or acted on. However, the material may be briefly presented to the Personnel Commission at the discretion of the Commission. 

How much time do I have to address the Personnel Commission?

The Personnel Commission has the authority to specify time limitations on particular topics or individual speakers. In order to efficiently and effectively address all issues on the agenda, the Personnel Commission requests that presentations last no more than three (3) minutes per individual speaker and no more than fifteen (15) minutes per topic. This time may be extended at the discretion of the Commission.

Where can I find out more about laws governing the Personnel Commission meetings?

The Brown Act (Basics Summarized) California Codes (Searchable Education Code, and More) California Code of Regulations