GATE Identification Process
Second Grade
All second grade students will be tested for GATE identification using the Raven's Coloured Progressive Matrices during a district wide testing window beginning in January. Parents will be notified as we get closer to the assessment window. Testing must be conducted in-person and parents/guardians have the option to opt their child out of testing.
Referral for 3rd-8th Grade Students
3rd through 8th grade students must be referred to the GATE identification process by a teacher, parent/guardian, and/or school administrator during the GATE identification window. Interested parents should contact their child's teacher or the school office to initiate the referral process. Any referred student must submit a signed parent/guardian permission form. Students who submit a signed referral packet will be scheduled to take Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices. Testing must be conducted in-person in the classroom.
GATE Test Results
GATE results will be mailed to parent/guardian in the spring, at the end of the GATE identification process (see GATE flyer).