Non-Medical Leave
Human Resources will provide guidance and support for employees needing to take a non-medical leave to care for a family member, parental bonding, or military leave, and other personal leaves. Please submit your inquiry via email at
Non- Medical Leaves Include:
Leave to take care of a family member with a medical health condition
Parental Leave / Baby bonding for birth/placement/adoption of a child
Personal Leave
Education Leave
Military related Leave
Notice: Depending on the type of leave you are requesting, you may be eligible for certain federal/state entitlements. Human Resources will provide you with information on your eligibility.
Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA): Provides for 12 weeks of unpaid, job protected, medical benefit protected, medical leave for employees who have worked for you for at least 12 months, and who in the past year have worked (physically been at work) 1250 hours. Teachers earn 8 hours of work credit for FMLA for each full day they work. A “rolling” twelve (12) month period measured backward from the date of any FMLA/CFRA leave usage
California Family Rights Acts, (CFRA): Provides for 12 weeks of unpaid, job protected, medical benefit protected, medical and baby bonding leave for employees who have worked for you for at least 12 months, and who in the past year have worked (physically been at work) 1250 hours. Teachers earn 8 hours of work credit for CFRA for each full day they work. CFRA runs concurrent with FMLA for a total leave benefit of 12 weeks EXCEPT in the case of childbirth/adoption where Bonding Leave under CFRA runs consecutively.
- Bonding Leave under CFRA: The minimum duration of the leave shall be two (2) weeks. This is a job protected and medical benefit protected leave. Bonding leave is not available after the baby turns 1-year old.
Education Code Parental Leave: Education Code 44977.5 (Certificated) and 45196.1 (Classified) provide for up to 12weeks of paid parental leave to care for a new child. Changes include:
- Changes the term “maternity and paternity leave” to “paternal leave”
- Amends the limitation that a certificated employee is only entitled to one 12-workweek leave period per each parental leave taken and instead provides that a certificated employee is only entitled to one 12-workweek period during any 12-month period.
- Deletes the requirement that an employee must have worked 1,250 hours of service during the previous 12-month period in order to take this leave;
- Expressly states that this parental leave will run concurrently with leave taken under CFRA
- Using sick leave first and sick leave usage reduces the available 12-weeks of ½ or sub-difference pay
- 12-weeks is in addition to sick leave, sub differential and half-paid leaves.
- Leave must be utilized during the first year of the baby’s life.
Family Members Eligibility
FMLA/CFRA eligible employees who request leave to care for a family member with a medical condition are able to take leave to care for the following family members:
Domestic partner
Child (including adult children)
CFRA expanded the definition of "parent" to include parents-in-law. Employees are able to take leave to provide care for a parent-in-law with a serious health condition effective January 1, 2022.