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School-Based Counseling and Mental Health

Line drawing of a head with a heart surrounded with mental health support groups

Our Process

When it comes to student mental health, OSD utilizes a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS). Counselors work with all staff and students to build positive culture and are part of the Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) team. Students who have academic, social, or behavioral concerns will initially receive intervention through school counselors which can include individual and/ or group supports.


If intervention from the campus counselors is not enough to close academic, social, or behavioral gaps, the counselor may consult with the school-based clinician for collaboration. The counselor or administrator will submit a referral for services and collaborate with the site-based clinician to go over the student’s individual needs. At this point there is a warm connect with the school-based clinician who then meets with the student and connects with the parent/guardian to sign a consent form.

ven diagram, scool counselors in one circle, Licensed school based mental health profesisonals in another and "collaboration" where they meet


Family, community, school pyrmid

Counseling and After

Students typically attend anywhere from 3-12 sessions. Specific goals are set utilizing a strengths-based solution focused approach. Progress is monitored throughout the sessions. During and upon completion the clinician works collaboratively with the school site and parent/guardian and will communicate further recommendations. This can include helping to coordinate connection to outside agencies.