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Crisis Support and Mental Health Awareness

Mental Health Resources
Recursos para Salud Mental

You are not alone. No estas solo.

two  silloetted hands reaching for each other


Mental Health Services

In accordance with AB 2022 and CA Education Code 49428, the Oxnard School District wants to ensure that parents, guardians and students are informed about resources available for anyone who believes they are in a mental health crisis. We encourage parents/guardians and students to talk with any adult in the school district if they are concerned about another student and possible mental health needs. In order to initiate access to available pupil mental health services, you may contact the following mental health services provider:

Ventura County Behavioral Health Logrando Bienestar

You may also contact:
Ventura County Behavioral Health Crisis Team

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
1-800-273-TALK (8255)

Ventura County Behavioral Health Substance Abuse Treatment

211 Ventura County
Call 2-1-1 or text your zip code to 898211
211 Ventura County