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COVID-19 Safety Training



The Oxnard School District is fully committed to maintaining a safe and healthy work environment for all its employees, students, and families.

As part of our plan for the Reopening of Schools, the District is required to provide all employees with training on COVID-19 risk factors and preventive measures to slow and reduce the spread of COVID-19. 

This training is a mandatory requirement for all OSD employees and must be completed.  All training will be tracked by Risk Management to ensure employee have fulfilled this mandated training requirement. 

Please make sure you are signed into your OSD Gmail email account. 

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your OSD email address in the email field
  3. Enter your OSD email password as the password

After you are signed in, access the online training by clicking the Google links provided.


This training was developed in accordance with CalOSHA and the California Department Public Health COVID-19 Safety Plan requirements for reopening schools. Employees will learn all about the COVID-19 risk factors and preventive measures for staying safe in the workplace. You will learn how to promote healthy hygiene practices, intensify cleaning & disinfecting and how to identify COVID-19 related signs and symptoms.


2020 Covid-19 Safety Training

2020 training

 The purpose of the training is to educate our employees on COVID-19 risk factors and preventive measures. You will learn how to promote healthy hygiene practices, intensify cleaning & disinfecting and how to identify COVID-19 related signs and symptoms.


Parents and Families COVID Training ENGLISH

Parents and Families COVID Training SPANISH