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CA Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP)

California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress

The California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) is California's statewide assessment system encompassing the following assessments and student participation requirements:

Resources for Families


To help empower parents/guardians and families to become partners in their child's academic success the California Department of Education and the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium have created the new Starting Smarter website. It is designed to help parents use their child's CAASPP test results to start a meaningful conversation with their child's teacher about how to support student learning at home. The site also includes sample assessment items broken down by performance area in each subject and grade so you can sample the types of questions your student received. Soon, the Starting Smarter website will be updated to include resources for the California Science Test. 

Additional Resources 

 What Parents and Students Should Know ⌋  ⌊  SBAC Cut Scores ⌋  ⌊ Online Practice and Training ⌋ ⌊  Sample Items ⌋  ⌊ CAASPP Results  ⌋ ⌊  Recursos en español ⌋ ⌊  What do the Scores Mean? 

If you have further questions, please email Connie Mendez, Testing Coordinator at

Be a Partner in Your Child's Success

download the document.

Se un Compañero en el Exito de tu Hijo/a

download the document.