California Alternate Assessment (CAA)
The California Alternate Assessment (CAA) is an alternate assessment for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities who are unable to take the Smarter Balanced even with accessibility supports and whose individualized Education Program (IEP) indicates assessment with an alternate test. The CAA is available in English Language Arts/Literacy and mathematics for grades three through eight and grade eleven and grades five and eight in science.
- CAA for ELA and Mathematics: The alternate assessments for ELA and math are based on alternate achievement standards derived from the Common Core State Standards for students with the most cognitive disabilities. The CAA for ELA and math are computer based two-stage adaptive assessments that adjust to the student's performance at selected points during the administration. These assessments include multiple-choice, constructed-response, and technology enhanced items. Each assessment is administered by the teacher in a one-on-one environment presenting items via computer, paper, or manipulatives, as appropriate for the student. Items are administered to the student over the course of one or more testing sessions, as needed by the student.
- CAA for Science: The alternate assessment for science is based on alternate achievement standards derived from the California Next Generation Science Standards. The CAA for science consists of four computer based embedded performance tasks (PTs) via computer, paper, or manipulatives, as is appropriate for the student. The assessment is administered in a one-on-one environment by the teacher and each PT may be administered soon after the student has received instruction in the content areas. All items may be individulized on the basis of the student's IEP. Individualization does not change the standards being assessed.
Additional Resources
⌈CAA for ELA Blueprints ⌉ ⌈CAA for Mathematics Blueprints ⌉ ⌈Alternate Assessment IEP Team Guidance ⌉