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Smarter Balanced Assessments (SBAC)

The Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments (Summative SBAC) are annual computer-based assessments designated for students in grades three through eight and grade eleven. The summative SBAC assesses students' progress towards meeting the California common core standards in English Language Arts/Literacy and mathematics. The assessment focuses on the development of necessary critical thinking skills, analytical writing skills and problem solving skills needed for college and a 21st century career.

The summative SBAC consists of two main components for each domain: a computer adaptive test (CAT) and a performance task (PT).

  • Computer Adaptive Test (CAT):The computer adaptive section adjusts the level of item difficulty throughout the assessment based on the student's response. During the test, if the student gives a wrong answer, the computer will follow up with an easier question, while if the student answers correctly, the next question will be slightly more difficult. The CAT includes a range of item types, such as constructed response, table fill-in, graphing and so forth.
  • Performance Task (PT):A performance task is a nonadaptive form designed to provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to apply their knowledge and higher-order thinking skills to explore and analyze a complex, real-world scenario. PTs measure students' ability to integrate knowledge and skills across multiple standards. 

Additional Resources 

ELA/Literacy Adjusted Blueprint ⌉ ⌈Math Adjusted Blueprint ⌉  ⌈SBAC - Achievement Levels and Descriptors ⌉ ⌈Scoring Guidelines & Rubrics ⌉ ⌈Estimated Testing Times ⌉  ⌈SBAC FAQs ⌉   

A Parent Guide to Understanding the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment

download the document.

Guía de Padres para Comprender las Pruebas Sumativas Smarter Balanced

download the document.