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Alternate ELPAC

Alternate English Language Proficiency Assessments for California

The Alternate ELPAC is a computer-based assessment administered one-on-one. It is designed for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities who are potential English Learners (Initial) or have been identified as English Learners (Summative). The assessment is used to measure how well students in Transitional Kinder through eighth grade understand English when it is not their primary language. 

The assessment consists of the Initial Alternate ELPAC which is used to determine a student's initial classification as an English learner (EL) or as an initial fluent English proficient (IFEP) and the Summative Alternate ELPAC which is used to provide information on student progress towards ELP and support decisions for students to be redesignated fluent English proficient (RFEP).


Additional Resources 

Alternate ELPAC Scale Score Ranges (Initial & Summative) ⌋  ⌊Alternate ELPAC Task Types⌋ ⌊ELD Connectors for the Alternate ELPAC ⌋ ⌊Alternate ELPAC Test Blueprints ⌋ ⌊Definitions of Task Types for the Alternate ELPAC ⌋  ⌊FAQs⌋ ⌊FAQs - ELPAC transition to Computer Based

Accessibility Resources

Alternate Assessment Decision Confirmation Worksheet

download the document.

A Parent Guide to Understanding the Alternate ELPAC

download the document.

Guia de Padres para Comprender las Pruebas Alternativas ELPAC

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Alternate ELPAC Fact Sheet

download the document.