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Summative ELPAC

Summative English Language Proficiency Assessments for California  

The Summative ELPAC is an annual computer-based assessment administered to students in Transitional Kinder through grade eight, used to measure how well English Learners are progressing annually towards English language proficiency (ELP). The assessment focuses on the development of English language skills that students need to succeed in school. 

The ELPAC is aligned with the 2012 California English Language Development Standards and assesses students in the following four domains: listening, speaking, reading and writing. 

  • For listening, students might be asked to listen to a story and answer a set of questions.
  • For speaking, students might be asked to talk about a scene they are shown with pictures.
  • For reading, students might be asked to read a story and then answer a multiple choice question.
  • For writing, students might be asked to describe a picture they are shown.

The purpose of the Summative ELPAC is to:

  • measure progress toward English proficiency
  • inform proper educational placements, provide appropriate instruction, and 
  • to help determine if a student is ready to be reclassified as English proficient.

Students in kindergarten through grade two receive the Writing domain as a paper-pencil test, but receive all other domains online. Students in grades three through eight are administered all ELPAC domains online. 

Additional Resources 

Summative ELPAC General Performance Level Descriptors ⌋ ⌊ Summative ELPAC Scale Score Ranges ⌋  ⌊ Definition of Task Types ⌋  ⌊ Practice Tests ⌋  ⌊ CA ELD Standards ⌋  ⌊ FAQs ⌋ 

A Parent Guide to Understanding the Summative ELPAC

download the document.

Guia de Padres para Comprender las Prubas Sumativas ELPAC

download the document.

Summative ELPAC Scale Score Ranges

download the document.