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Star Assessments

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Star Assessments are short, computer-adaptive tests designed to provide teachers with reliable learning data. Teachers use this data to monitor student growth, determine which students need intervention, and to learn what each student is ready to learn next. 

Computer-adaptive tests adjust the difficulty of your child's test by choosing each test question based on responses to previous questions.

Your child may take one or more of the following star tests:

  • Star Early Literacy: Administered to students in kindergarten, first, and second grade or beginning readers who do not yet read independently. It consists of 27 items and generally takes fewer than 15 minutes for the student to complete.
  • Star Reading: Administered to students in grades kindergarten through eighth grade. It consists of 35 items and generally takes fewer than 30 minutes for the student to complete.
  • Star Math: Administered to students in first through eighth grade. It consists of 34 items and takes approximately 20 minutes for the student to complete the assessment. 
  • Star Spanish: Administered to participating kindergarten through eighth grade students in the Dual Immersion Program. It is included with Star Early Literacy, Star Reading and Star Math.

Additional Resources

⌊ Renaissance Everywhere ⌋ ⌊ Renaissance Parent Resources ⌋ ⌊ Renaissance Home Connect ⌋ ⌊ Star Testing FAQ for Parents ⌋⌊Get Started with myON ⌋


⌊Administering Star Family Guide- English ⌋  ⌊Evaluaciones Star Guia para Familias - Espanol ⌋

⌈  Informational Video for Parents ⌉



 ⌈ Video Informativo para Padres ⌉

Video Espanol

A Parent Guide to Understanding Star Assessments

download the document.

download the document.