CAASPP & ELPAC Accessibility Resources
Accessibility resources represent a set of tools that help a student better access classroom instruction. These tools are also provided in a testing environment so that students can do their best to demonstrate what they know and can actively do. The Smarter Balanced Assessment System was designed to maximize accessibility for all students, including those who are English Learners and students with visual, auditory and physical disabilities. These resources are built to ensure that the needs of all students are met.
These resources can fall in one of three categories:
- Universal Tools- are available to all students. Students choose which tools to use and when.
- Designated Supports- are available to students for whom a need has been identified by a team of educators or specified in the student's IEP or Section 504 plan.
- Accommodations- are available to students if specified in the student's IEP or Section 504 plan and only on approval by the CDE.
Accessibility resources are either embedded into the technology platform (eg. digital notepad) or non-embedded, offered outside the technology platform (eg. piece of scratch paper).
Smarter Accessibility
Smarter Balanced
Importance of Implementing Accessibility Resources
Matching Accessibility Resources to Students' Needs
NEW! How to Use the Online ISAAP TOOL
Learn more about student accessibility resources:
- California Assessment Accessibility Resources Matrix
- Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium: Usability, Accessibility and Accommodations Guidelines
- California Student Assessment Accessibility Graphics
- Accessibility Strategies for Teaching and Learning
- CAASPP Student Needs Matching
- ELPAC Accessibility Resources for Operational Testing
- Individual Student Assessment Accessibility Profile Tool User Guide (ISAAP)
- Text-to-Speech for the ELPAC
- Read Aloud Guidelines
- Scribing Protocol document
Additional Resources