Smarter Balanced Tools for Teachers website
The Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium is preparing to launch an advanced suite of resources for teachers - Tools for Teachers. This easy-to-search website will feature instructional and professional development resources authored by teachers for teachers, with a focus on implementing the formative assessment process during daily classroom instruction. Its featuring lessons and activities are designed to save teachers time.
Some of the features are:
- interactive Connections Playlists you can use with interim assessments
- high-quality, accessible resources aligned to learning standards
- formative assessment strategies embedded in every resource
- accessibility instructional strategies
Tools for Teachers has replaced the Digital Library and is currently available for preview. The official opening of the website is scheduled for September 30, 2020. Find out more at the Smarter Balanced Tools For Teacherspage.
How does Tools for Teachers support educators?
Tools for Teachers Demonstration Video
Tools for Teachers Shared Practices Webinar
Supporting English Learners with Tools For Teachers
Tools For Teachers Accessibility Strategies
Using Smarter Balanced Interim Connections Playlists
Site staff can obtain an account either through self-registration or through their LEA CAASPP/ELPAC coordinator.
Tools for Teachers Powerpoint
Tools For Teachers Overview Pdf