Danielle Jefferson
Director of Special Education
Program Development, Staff Evaluations (Classified, Psychologists, OTs, Behaviorists, Managers, Program Specialists), School Psychologists, Speech Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Special Education Professional Development, Supervision of Special Education Department Structure, Litigation (Mediation and Due Process), CDE Complaints, SELPA Operations Cabinet, SELPA Community Advisory Council, Special Education Budget Oversight, Parent Education, Special Education Student Advisory Council, Special Education Translation Services, Independent Education Evaluations (IEEs) and ISA Services Contracts, IEP and Special Education Compliance/Procedures, CDE Reporting, Paraeducator Assignments, Agency Staffing/Hiring, Assessment Procedures & Supplies, Special Education Transportation, MediCal, ERSES/COEDS Oversight, Oversight of Implementation of all Specialized Curriculums, SIRAS oversight, Special Education Social-Emotional and Behavioral Supports, Deaf and Hard of Hearing Supports, Visual Impairment Supports.
Oxnard School District Special Education Department Vision:
To create an engaging and comprehensive learning environment that supports the educational success and motivational outcomes of all students in the Oxnard School District through the belief and practice that all students belong across all educational and recreational settings.
School District Special Education Department Mission:
The Oxnard School District Special Education Department supports and models inclusive educational programming and practices across all academic, social-emotional, and recreational settings. The Oxnard School District Special Education Department promotes the awareness of student strengths and challenges in the development of equitable environments that encourage a growth mindset for learning and personal development.
Specialized Academic Instruction
Specialized Academic Instruction (SAI) is provided for students with mild, moderate and severe disabilities based on their Individualized Education Program. These services may be delivered in the general education classroom as well as in special education classrooms.
A Special Education disability means, according to §§300.530-300.536, a child having one or more conditions including intellectual disabilities, a hearing impairment including deafness, a speech or language impairment, a visual impairment including blindness, emotional disturbance, an orthopedic impairment, autism, traumatic brain injury, or other health impairment, a specific learning disability, a deaf or blind student, or students with multiple disabilities, and who, by reason thereof, need special education and related services.
In addition to the eligibility criteria noted above, please note that California Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 5 states:
3030. A pupil shall qualify as an individual with exceptional needs, pursuant to Section 56026 of the Education Code, if the results of the assessment as required by Section 56320 demonstrate that the degree of the pupil's impairment as described in Section 3030 (a through j) requires special education in one or more of the program options authorized by Section 56361 of the Education Code. The decision as to whether or not the assessment results demonstrate that the degree of the pupil’s impairment requires special education shall be made by the individualized education program team, including assessment personnel, in accordance with Section 5634(d) of the Education Code. The individualized education program shall take into account all the relevant materials available to the pupil. No single score or product of scores shall be used as the sole criterion for the decision of the individualized education program team as to the pupil's eligibility for special education.
To qualify for special education services, a student must:
Have a documented disability that is covered by IDEA, and
Need special education in order to access the general education curriculum
For more information, contact your local school or the Oxnard School District Special Education Department at 805-385-1501, ext. 2175.
** For special education assessment referral process, please see the policies and procedural manual.
Mixteco Recordings of Parent Rights
For special education records request please contact khenry@oxnardsd.org