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Dr. Ana DeGenna

Dr. Ana DeGenna

Oxnard School District

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Dear Oxnard School District Community,

As we embark on the 2024-2025 school year, I am filled with excitement and optimism for what lies ahead. This year marks the second year of the Oxnard Empowers Strategic Plan implementation, and I am proud to share that we are well on our way toward achieving our vision of empowering every student to reach their highest potential.

We remain steadfast in our commitment to ensuring that each of our students not only excels academically but also thrives socially and emotionally. Our dedicated staff, comprehensive wrap-around services, and diverse programs are all geared toward supporting the holistic development of our students, creating environments where they feel valued, safe, and ready to learn.

Our focus remains on implementing the five key goals of the Oxnard Empowers Strategic Plan:

  1. Student Academic Engagement & Achievement: We are committed to dramatically accelerating student engagement and achievement through effective teaching practices, innovative learning strategies, and high-impact approaches that benefit all Oxnard students.
  2. Learning Environment & School Climate: We aim to maintain and foster safe, affirming, and enriched culturally and linguistically sustaining multilingual learning environments. These environments are designed to prepare our students for success in the 21st century by providing a holistic education that develops both intellectual and personal growth.
  3. Guidance & Support to Sites & District Departments: Our strategic direction, guidance, and support are focused on enhancing the quality of instruction and engagement in every classroom and school. Our goal is to ensure that all students achieve high levels of academic excellence, multilingual proficiency, and the development of a healthy identity, agency, and voice.
  4. Family/Community Alliances for Student Success: We value the partnerships we have with our families and the community. We are committed to building and strengthening these alliances, recognizing the vital role they play in supporting student success. Together, we will work collaboratively to ensure that all students achieve their full potential as outlined in the Oxnard Student Profile.
  5. Transformational Leadership & Infrastructure: We are creating a district-wide infrastructure that supports the ongoing implementation of our strategic plan. By fostering a culture of excellence and equity, we are positioning the Oxnard School District as a leader in education, ensuring that our work on behalf of all students is impactful, effective, and sustainable.

We know that achieving these goals requires the collective effort of our entire community—students, families, staff, and community members. As we journey through this year together, we invite you to stay engaged, share your input, and continue to support our schools in creating vibrant learning environments for all students.

Thank you for your unwavering support and dedication to our students. Together, we will make this school year one of continued growth and excellence.

With gratitude and enthusiasm,

Dr. Ana DeGenna
Oxnard School District