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Teacher Resources

CAL-Center for Applied Linguistics
The Center for Applied Linguistics is a nonprofit organization promoting access, equity and mutual understanding for linguistically and culturally diverse people around the world

Californians Together
Californians Together advises state and national policy makers and mobilizes communities to protect and promote access to quality education for the state's English Learners

California Department of Education-State Seal of Biliteracy
The State Seal of Biliteracy, marked by a gold sea on the diploma transcript, recognizes high school graduates who have attained a high level of proficiency in speaking, reading, and writing one or more langauges in addition to English

Center for Teaching for Biliteracy
C4T4B supports and advocates for the education of developing bilinguals: English Language Learners and all students in language acquisition programs.

California Association of Bilingual Education

BUENO Center for Multicultural Education
Bilinguals United for Education and New Opportunities