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School Bus Rules


The school bus operator, by law, is directly responsible for the safety and orderly conduct of the pupils in his/her care.  Failure to observe the bus rules may draw the attention of the school bus operator away from the main task of the safe operation of the bus and is considered misconduct. The Transportation Department is responsible for assigning disciplinary measures for misconduct related to the transportation of pupils.  School officials will enforce disciplinary actions and may consider other alternatives. When a pupil is guilty of misconduct, the Transportation Services Department will report the incident to the Office Manager and principal, in writing and to the parent/guardian in writing and by phone.

  1. Upon the first offense of misconduct, a written warning will be given, and a report will be mailed to the parent. Parent/Guardian will be contacted by phone and informed of the number of bus conduct reports the student has received.
  2. Upon a second offense of misconduct, a written warning will be given, and a report will be mailed to the parent. Parent/Guardian will be contacted by phone and informed of the number of bus conduct reports the student has received.
  3. Upon a third offense of misconduct, the pupil will be denied transportation services for three (3) days. Parent/Guardian will be contacted by phone before the suspension effective date, and a report will be mailed to the parent/guardian.
  4. Upon the fourth offense of misconduct, the pupil will be suspended pending a parent/guardian conference. Parent/Guardian will be contacted by phone to arrange for a meeting and a report will be mailed to the parent/guardian.
  5. Upon the fifth offense of misconduct, the pupil will be denied transportation services for two (2) to six (6) weeks. Parent/Guardian will be contacted by phone before the suspension effective date, and a report will be mailed to the parent/guardian.
  6. Upon the sixth offense of misconduct, the pupil will be denied transportation for the remainder of the school year. Parent/Guardian will be contacted by phone before the suspension effective date, and a report will be mailed to the parent/guardian.


  1. DRIVERS AUTHORITY: Pupils in a school bus are the complete responsibility of the bus driver and under his/her direction. Pupils must be courteous and show respect for the driver and obey the driver’s instructions at all times.
  2. AUTHORIZED RIDERS: Bus transportation is for authorized riders only.
  3. BUS STOP ASSIGNMENTS: Students may not get on or off the bus at any other location other than their regularly designated stop. When emergencies occur, a parent may arrange for an alternative authorized bus stop on a limited basis.
  4. BUS DEPARTURE TIMES: Students should be at the bus stops at least 5 minutes before bus arrival; buses must operate on a definite schedule, and drivers will not wait for late arrivals. Continued late arrival to the bus stop will result in disciplinary action.
  5. BUS PASS/STUDENT IDENTIFICATION: Students are required to scan their bus pass when entering and exiting the bus or show the bus driver proper identification for transportation to and from school. Giving false or improper identification will result in disciplinary action.
  6. BOARDING THE BUS: As the bus approaches, pupils must form an orderly single-file line and stand no closer than twelve feet. Students shall not move toward the bus until it has come to a complete stop and the front door has opened. Pupils must enter the bus one at a time, with no pushing or shoving in line.
  7. SEAT ASSIGNMENT: Pupils are to take the seat indicated to them by the driver. They may not exchange seats without the driver’s permission.
  8. PUPILS MUST REMAIN SEATED/SEAT BELTS: Pupils must sit upright, face the front of the bus, keep feet out of the aisle, and in no way obstruct aisles or bar progress of the other pupils in or out of the bus. Standing, walking, or any movement out of seats while the bus is in motion is prohibited. If equipped, students must wear the lap/shoulder restraint.
  9. BUS WINDOWS: Windows may not be lowered without the driver’s permission and at no time shall they be lowered beyond the third notch or more than 6-inches.
  10. HANDS/BODY OUT OF WINDOWS: Pupils may not extend any part of the body out of the window on a school bus. Unauthorized exits from emergency doors and windows are prohibited.
  11. TAMPERING WITH BUS EQUIPMENT: Tampering of any kind with bus doors, emergency exits, radio or controls is prohibited.
  12. EXCESSIVE NOISE & DISORDERLY CONDUCT:  Pupils are prohibited from creating disturbances. Distractions and noise inside the bus must be kept to a minimum.
  13. PROFANE LANGUAGE/GESTURES: Using profane language or obscene gestures is prohibited.
  14. THROWING OBJECTS: Throwing objects in, out of or at the bus is prohibited.
  15. LITTERING: Littering of any kind is prohibited.
  16. FIGHTING: Pupils may not interfere with others, nor destroy the property of others. Students may not intimidate or threaten anyone on the bus. They must keep their hands and feet to themselves. Horseplay and/or play fighting is prohibited on the bus or at the bus stop.
  17. EATING/DRINKING: Drinking or eating is not allowed on the school bus without the driver's permission.
  18. PROHIBITED OBJECTS: Items such as glass containers, large or dangerous objects, and athletic equipment are not allowed on the bus. Transporting live animals, fish, reptiles, or insects, is not permitted on the school bus.
  19. RED LIGHT CROSSING: Children may NOT cross the street once the bus is in view, or when being discharged from the bus, without obtaining assistance from the driver. They must wait until the driver has secured the bus, turned on the red lights crossover lights, and entered the roadway to ensure that all traffic has come to a complete stop.
  20. DAMAGE TO SCHOOL BUS OR BUS STOP: Students may not damage or vandalize the school bus or school bus stop. Parent/guardian will be required to pay for damage done by their child to either the school bus or to private property at the school bus stop location.