Citizens Bond Oversight Committee
Download CBOC Member Application Form
The Board of Trustees of the Oxnard School District is seeking qualified, interested individuals to serve on the Measure D Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee (“CBOC”) of the Measure D Bond program.
Oxnard School District currently has three open seats on its Independent Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC). The committee is charged with informing the public concerning the District’s expenditure of Measure D bond proceeds, reviewing expenditure reports, and preparation and presentation of an annual report. The CBOC committee meets three times per year.
Applications are being accepted for the following committee seats:
- Business Organization - Must be in a business organization ( Ex. business owner, etc.)
A hard copy or PDF email submission may also be completed and delivered to the following address until the position is filled:
Oxnard School District
Attention: Business Services
1051 South A Street, Oxnard Ca 93030
(805) 385-1501 Ext. 2401
About the CBOC
State Law requires the appointment of a local Citizens' Oversight Committee to oversee the expenditure of revenues from bond sales. The purpose of a Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee is to:
- Actively review and report on the expenditure of voter-approved bonds
- Receive and review copies of annual performance and financial audits
- Present an annual written report to the Board of Trustees
As such, the Oxnard School District has created a Citizen’s Oversight Committee to oversee the Measure “D” bond program. The Oversight Committees are comprised of individuals from local businesses, senior citizen organizations, organizations involved with schools, a bona fide tax payers’ organization, as well as involved parents of children residing in the Oxnard School District.
Committee Responsibilities
In accordance with Education Code Section 15278(b), the Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee shall:
- Inform the public concerning the District's expenditure of bond proceeds;
- Review expenditure reports produced by the District to ensure that bond proceeds were expended only for the purposes set forth;
- Present to the Governing Board, in public session, an annual written report outlining their activities and conclusions regarding the expenditure of bond proceeds.
Appointment of Committee Members
All appointments will be made by the Board of Education from applications submitted to the District.
Time Commitment and Term
Each member shall serve a term of two years, commencing as of the date of appointment by the Board of Education.