Harrington School Reconstruction
The District celebrated the grand opening of the new Norma Harrington Elementary School for student occupancy in January 2016 with a community open house and a media tour for students, community members, and media representatives. Both events were very well received resulting in positive comments and extensive media coverage. Since January, other interested school districts have toured and commented on the innovative 21st century model approaches utilized at the new school for consideration and adaptation at their districts.
The new campus houses 700 students per State standards in grades K-5, including 23 general purpose classrooms, 4 kindergarten classrooms, and 1 Resource Specialist Program (RSP) room. Additionally, the new campus will contain specified support facilities, administration areas, media center, food service, multipurpose room, physical education spaces, and restrooms. The project scope includes associated demolition and site work.
Dougherty Architects, LLP was selected as the project architect. A lease-leaseback (LLB) method of delivery was utilized for the project with Bernards selected to provide construction services.