Changing the World! Inspired, Accomplished, Multilingual Global Citizens – In School and Beyond In Oxnard School District, we nurture self-confident and empowered multilingual global citizens, strong in their multiple identities and potential, who achieve inspired levels of individual, community, and social accomplishment in school and beyond in their endeavors.
I am pleased to present the Oxnard School District’s strategic plan: Oxnard Empowers. Our plan is oriented around a set of core beliefs and priority outcomes for our students and employees that will guide our work over the next five years. We have developed specific objectives to be addressed through focused and transformative strategic initiatives. Through this plan, we will reach measurable targets for student success and employee performance.
Changing the World! Inspired, Accomplished, Multilingual Global Citizens – In School and Beyond In Oxnard School District, we nurture self-confident and empowered multilingual global citizens, strong in their multiple identities and potential, who achieve inspired levels of individual, community, and social accomplishment in school and beyond in their endeavors.
Over the past two years, parents, students, teachers, staff, and community members have provided input about their perceptions and priorities for our school district. This past fall, we carefully reviewed this information and thoroughly analyzed data on our past performance to form the framework of Ignite, Transform, Nurture and Embrace.
Our community seeks academic excellence for all of our students while supporting each student to make continual progress toward their individual aspirations. Students must be the focus of our work and the center for all of our decisions. Now more than ever, we must also be attentive to the mental health and wellness of our students and employees. Social justice movements and the pandemic have been a time of change for our country, our school district, and our families resulting in stress and loss that cannot be overlooked if we are to embrace a future of innovation, growth, and renewal. Our employees are the drivers of our success, and we must do all we can to ensure they are valued and supported so that in turn, our students have the best possible educational journey.
Our strategic plan to Ignite, Transform, Nurture and Embrace provides a concrete roadmap for this work. Our implementation of this plan will ensure that we are the best choice for Oxnard School District students and for our employees. Our schools, staff, families, and communities all play a critical role in student success at every age. Join us in making our plan to Ignite, Transform, Nurture and Embrace come alive in our schools and throughout our community.
Thank you for your continued support and involvement with the Oxnard School District.
We have a professional obligation to work for equity and excellence.
Physically, social-emotionally, linguistically, and culturally safe and affirming environments are essential to our diverse students' full affective, academic/cognitive, linguistic, social-emotional, and creative development.
Our students' potential is unlimited.
Relationships built on integrity, mutual trust, respect, and caring form the necessary foundation for sustainable success in our schools and district.
We must continuously expand our professional competency, exhibit servant leadership, and hold ourselves accountable to our students, families, community, and colleagues for our intentions, our actions and our results.
Dramatically accelerate student academic engagement and achievement across all Oxnard populations through coherent additive approaches, essential pedagogical principles, and high-leverage practices.
Create and maintain safe, affirming, equitable, and enriched culturally and linguistically sustaining multilingual learning environments of high intellectual performance across all content areas and in all areas needed for 21st Century success.
Provide strategic direction, guidance, and support to sites and district departments focused on improving the quality of instruction, interaction, and engagement in every classroom in every school so that all students reach high levels of academic excellence, multilingual achievement, global competency, and healthy identity development, agency, and voice.
Create and grow family and community alliances focused strategically on their collaborative leadership role in supporting and promoting student success for all students, as defined by the Oxnard Student Profile.
Create a coherent and sustainable district-wide infrastructure and culture to support and communicate the District’s identity and strategic work on behalf of all students, facilitate strategic plan implementation, monitor progress and assess effectiveness and sustainability, and position the District as a leader in equitable and excellent education.
Our instructional priorities are lenses through which we focus our work. To this end, the instructional priorities are posed as two key questions. First, how do we create and sustain 21st century multilingual learning environments of high intellectual performance for our students? This question requires that we come to a common agreement regarding what we mean and understand by:
Learning Environments
Multilingual Learning
21st Century Learning
High Intellectual Performance
Second, in the context of Oxnard's strategic plan, how do we make powerful learning public and visible to our entire Oxnard Community?
One way of thinking about this is to consider what we would need to put in place so that EVERYONE – students, parents, staff:
Knows what powerful multilingual teaching and learning looks like and sees it exhibited regularly in and out of school.
Knows what to do to produce consistently high-quality student learning results.
Holds each other responsible for high-quality teaching and learning.
Expects that work is “done” only when it meets publicly agreed-upon standards of quality.
Works together to create safe and affirming environments of high intellectual performance and multilingual excellence throughout the district, schools, and community for all students.